Saturday, 28 April 2018


Disclaimer: Intermittent Fasting does not suit everyone and anybody wishing to try fasting should go and see their doctor first for their opinion on whether or not you should try fasting.

My Fasting Journey

Glass of water, shrivelled apple and dry bread
Source: Pixabay
I started fasting on 19th January, 2018.

One thing I noticed when I started fasting was that I was taking food for granted.

Fasting has really made me appreciate what I eat.  I savour the taste like it was the first time I had tasted food, ever!!

I became aware of hunger.  I could see the needless way we were wasting resources.

Fasting has helped me to be grateful for food, not to waste any of it as you may never know when or where you're next meal was coming from.

I knew I could break my fast any time I wanted, but fasting made me understand what it was like to go hungry even if it was for a few hours.

I don't eat breakfast or lunch and I break my fast at 5pm every evening.

When I first wake up, I feel fine, no hunger pains.  By 12pm, I start to feel hungry.

By 3pm, I am really hungry.  I think about food all the time.  I think about what I'm going to eat.  I count the minutes til D-Day when I can put food into my mouth again.

I tell myself that it's okay to break my fast, no-one will know, but I stop myself.  I tell myself to be strong.  I ask God to give me strength.  I tell myself I can do this and so I do.  I wait until 5pm before I eat.

5 Fruit Smoothie Bottles Surrounded By Fruit
On A Table
Source: Pixabay
To help me stay strong with fasting, I drink squash which I mix with sparkling water.  That way, I can have a fizzy drink without the calories.  I also drink plenty of still water and in the summer months, I like to drink blended fruit mixed with mango juice.

I break my fast with something light like a sandwich and if I am hungry after that, I begin preparing my evening meal around 6pm.  I make sure I am full, but not stuffed, by the time I go to bed.  Waking up hungry is torture and I need to get through the day and not cheat.

Fasting has been good for me.  I am healing.  My insides are healing.  My eyesight has improved a lot and the fat around my stomach has decreased.

 "If people are better able to deal with hunger, then they can allow their bodies to 'eat' their own body fat" - Dr. Jason Fung - "Green Tea Helps Fasting".

I have managed to lose half a stone, (7lb), (3.17kg) and my clothes are becoming baggy.

I've saved money because I'm not buying as much food as I use too.

I feel healthier and I like to think that I have less chance of being diabetic.  I am not borderline obese and my sister and I have taken up jogging.  Don't know how long that will last!!

For a person who loves her food, fasting is hard at times.  There are people who can fast for days at a time and there are people who can only fast for a few hours.
  • Fasting is not for everyone.
  • Going without food for hours can be quite extreme.
  • The constant hunger pains.
  • Always looking at the clock to see how much longer before you can eat.
  • Continuously thinking about food
It is enough to drive a sane person mad.

Finding activities to do while on a fast is strongly recommended.  Occupying your mind to help you to not think about food every second can be a godsend.

Why Do I Fast?

I don't know.  I like the weight I've lost and the way my clothes look baggy on me.  I am happy with my improved health.  I am happy with my results.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Source: Pixabay

Hello W. Jon McClure,

Here is a reply to your post

 "27 Little Things I Am Grateful For"

I am grateful and thankful for:

  1. The good night's sleep I have every night.
  2. Being allowed to wake up every day.
  3. The strength to get up and do all the things I want to do.
  4. The food I eat every day.
  5. The roof over my head that keeps me safe, warm and dry.
  6. The bed I sleep in.
  7. The clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet.
  8. My good health.
  9. The hot water I have for my bath.
  10. My pair of legs that allows me to walk or jog whenever I want.
  11. My hands that allow me to write and type my blogs.
  12. My improved eyesight since I started fasting.
  13. My half a stone weight loss since I started fasting.
  14. The heating that keeps me warm on cold days and nights.
  15. The television programmes I like to watch.
  16. The music I like to listen too.
  17. The meditation videos I like to listen to while I sleep.
  18.  "The Secret" series of books that have taught me to believe.
  19. The washing machine that cleans my clothes.
  20. Public transport that takes me to where I want to go because I don't own a car.
  21. Windows I can look out of to admire the beauty in nature.
  22. The brains I possess that allows me to keep thinking and learning.
  23. God, who takes good care of me today and every day.
  24. Gas that allows me to cook my food.
  25. Electricity that gives me light to see when it's dark.
  26. All my miracles and blessings I receive from God.
  27. Democracy and my freedom.
It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to make a list this long.
You gave me the opportunity to really think hard for what I am grateful/thankful for.

Thank you.

Patricia C. Akosah

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


Source: Free Images

Food waste can not be eradicated overnight.  I don't think food waste could be eradicated in 5 years.  If food waste had the ability to end, how long would it take?  We ALL must learn to end food waste in some way, no matter how small.  We can ALL learn to change our mindset.

There are many people in this world who are doing something, no matter how small.  I admire what they do, no matter how little their efforts, because they are probably doing more than I am.  It's easy to make excuses on why you can't do anything to help and you think your excuses are valid, but in some cases, they ARE only excuses.

At the moment, I am trying really hard not to waste food and it hasn't been easy.  It physically hurts me when I do throw food away for whatever reason.  I am happy to say that my food waste is a lot less than it use to be.  I am more aware of what to do around food.  I am more aware of how to behave with my leftovers.  I see the money I have saved because of my awareness.

I don't do a BIG monthly shop any more, but I do a monthly shop.  I have cut my monthly shop down by half.  I buy what I need and not necessarily what I want.  I try to only buy essentials and do a top-up shop when I've run out of food.  My fridge and cupboards have to be almost bare before I go shopping again.  I find that doing a shopping list can really help, but you need to be really strict with yourself and just buy what is on your list.  Deviating from the shopping list can be dangerous.....I know.

Source: Free Images

Doing a menu plan for the week can also help.  It can help you to cut out too many snacks and nibbles which could then help you to lose weight.  Win, win, if you ask me.  "That's easier said the done,"  I hear you cry.  "You don't have a family to cater for."  That's very true, but people can always start slowly.  How about doing a shop every 2 weeks instead of every  month to begin with and only get what you need?  You'll only have 2 weeks to wait before you go again.  Once you get use to that, go once a week and only buy what you really need.  Trying it this way may reduce your food waste.  Give it a go, you never know.  Not only could you save on food waste, you may even save money, money that you can put to other things like a holiday or a new pair of shoes.  I've actually managed to put towards savings by shopping this way.

I don't  buy chicken legs, drumsticks or thighs, unless it's for a specific recipe.  Instead I buy whole chickens.  I can cook them the way I like, seasoned the way I like and a whole chicken can last me a good 3 or 4 days.  Chicken is one of my favourite meats and I can eat it all day, every day!!

I also buy frozen vegetables because, for me, they last longer.  I've tried freezing fresh vegetables, but it doesn't quite work.  I suppose you may have to part boil them first, but I'm too lazy for that!!  With frozen vegetables, I've managed not to waste any of it and I do  pat myself on the back for that.  It may be a small triumph for some people, but I am happy with my progress.

I also cook in bulk and put what I don't use in the freezer for another day.  Not only does it save you cooking a new meal from scratch every day, but you reduce your food waste.  Your leftovers could also be used for lunch the next day at work, again saving you money.

Source:  Pixabay

Even though I have downloaded the OLIO_ex and Too Good Too Go apps, I haven't used them yet, but they are on my radar.

Being more aware about food waste is not only good for your pocket, it's good for the environment.  Globally, we waste approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food each year.  This food goes to landfill and after a certain amount of time, releases greenhouse and methane gasses.

Ok people, we've all seen the movies on climate change and how it affects the planet.  Let's be more aware and reduce food waste.  Let's be more aware and feed all the hungry people in this world.  Let's be more aware and save our planet.  I may only be helping a tiny little bit compared to charities and organisations, but I am happy I've managed to start.  Make a start people, no matter how small, just make a start.